Designers Nexus

Fabric Patterns: Surface Design Print 032

Fabric Pattern seamless swatch download preview

Geometric Surface Design, Seamless Fabric Pattern Print.

Surface Design Categories: Textiles, Fabric Patterns, Geometric Print, Wallpaper Print

Fabric Pattern Print description: wallpaper design layout, retro style, geometric motif  in four colors combination, ivory background.

Surface Design Print download description: seamless pattern swatch for fashion sketches rendering and presentation is downloadable in high resolution PNG format.

Note: 'Fabric Patterns Surface Design Print 032'  is a digital recreation of an actual textile fabric pattern. The original design can be subject to copyrights and is not suitable AS IS for commercial mass production. The original design can be used as an inspiration and must be changed more than 25%.

Surface Designs Downloads Instructions & Terms of Use

To download geometric seamless fabric pattern p32 in high resolution png without watermarks  click on the 'ZIP' download link.

NOTE: As per TOU Surface Designs digital downloads can not be resold, redistributed, republished AS IS digital or in print. Watermarked image can be digitally shared as reference with proper credits and link to the original source download page.

To Download Vector and PNG files

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