Designers Nexus

How to Become a Fashion Designer

Creating a Competitive Edge in the Fashion Industry

How to Become a Fashion Designer ( Part 1 )

Here you are, about to enter the real world with your fashion portfolio full of stunning design illustrations and a head full of hopes. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that glamorous perception of the apparel industry is a myth, and that vision of yourself as a famous fashion designer with your own clothing line is almost close to impossible to reach. The actual chances of that are probably the same as becoming a movie star. This doesn't mean you won't become a successful apparel designer working for a company - it means that your chances of becoming the glamorous clichè portrayal of a fashion designer are quite slim. Not only do you have to compete with the already established professional apparel designers, but nowadays throw pop singers, celebrities, and TV stars into the mix. There is a better chance that you'll end up working for an established fashion designer's collection or as a designer for the next big celebrity's apparel line.

If this sounds like old news to you, then congratulations - you're a step ahead of the game because you already know what you're getting into. If what I just said comes as a total surprise, take a moment to let reality sink in - and then keep reading. In either case, we want to give you the info you need to know to prepare yourself for what lies ahead. In this "miniseries" of fashion career articles we are going to cover:

All the articles from the list above help give you that much-needed competitive edge and increase your chances of getting where you want to go within the fashion industry. Basically, we want to prepare you as much as possible for a career in fashion, so take it from fashion designers who have been in your shoes, and soak it up!

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We are excited to announce that the fashion sketches and templates downloads section will now be hosted on our partner website, This move is aimed at providing you with an enhanced and seamless experience in accessing our exclusive fashion resources.

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