Designers Nexus

Surface Design: fashion background 023A-Left

fashion background 023a left preview

Fashion Background Download

Surface Design fashion background version 023a-left  has a left focus composition radial design  on a gradient background in orange colors. In addition to fashion presentation, fashion sketchbooks, and fashion design portfolio this surface design can be used as a locked screen image or wallpaper.

links to download fashion background 023a-center,  and fashion background 23a-right

NOTE: Fashion Background downloads can be used as templates for commercial and non commercial projects. It can not be resold, redistributed, republished as is digital or in print. Watermarked preview images CAN be linked to for websites, blogs, social sharing sites, etc. but MUST include link & credit to source. See Terms Of Service for more details

Click “JPEG” link below to download this free fashion Background template without watermarks

To Download Vector and PNG files

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We are excited to announce that the fashion sketches and templates downloads section will now be hosted on our partner website, This move is aimed at providing you with an enhanced and seamless experience in accessing our exclusive fashion resources.

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Philippa (Sydney, Australia)

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Shain (Long Island City, NY)