Technical Drawing Flat Fashion Sketch Template: Boot Cut, 5 Pockets Jeans 031
Fashion Apparel/Garment Categories: Womenswear, missy sportswear, junior sportswear, bottoms, pants, denim.
Professional, Garment Industry standard Flat Fashion Sketch Pants Template 031 features: front and back views of a barely bootcut, jeans style, pants with button down flap front, coin and back pockets, back yoke, and slanted belt loops.
Instructions and Terms of Use For Fashion Sketches and Templates.
In order to download 'flat fashion sketch pants 031' image files, in high resolution PNG, vectors Adobe Illustrator (ai) and SVG formats, click on the ‘ZIP’ download link below.
NOTE. Members can use Flat Fashion Sketch Pants 031 file downloads as fashion templates for commercial and personal projects. As per TOU, fashion sketches can not be resold, redistributed, republished AS IS, digital or in print. However site users can digitally share a watermarked image with proper credits and back link to the original source.