Designers Nexus

Fashion Croquis- Male Figure Template 056

056 fashion croqui template male preview image

Fashion Sketching and Illustrations Croquis- Full Body, Standing Models 1 of 4, Male Figure Template 056.

A preview image of a printable '056 Fashion Croqui Template Male' files shows outlined, standing, male figure in front viewThis fashion figure croqui template, part 1 of 4, comes as a styled fashion sketch and simple fashion drawing with body guidelines for garment designSketched in Illustrator to use in fashion design, this fashion sketch is easy to render and modify in order to adopt to individual fashion illustration needs.

Fashion Design Art: fashion drawing, fashion illustration, fashion sketching and digital fashion sketching, fashion sketches, fashion figures, fashion croquis and templates, vector fashion sketches, and illustrator fashion sketches, fashion sketchbook.

Instructions and Terms of Use For Fashion Sketches and Templates.

In order to download Fashion Croquis- Male Figure Sketch 056 images, in Adobe Illustrator (ai) and SVG vector formats, and transparent PNG files, click on the ‘ZIP’ download link below.

NOTE. Members can use 056 Fashion Croqui Male Figure Template files as fashion templates for commercial and personal projects. As per TOU, fashion sketches can not be resold, redistributed, republished AS IS, digital or in print. However visitors can digitally share a watermarked image with proper credits and back link to the original source.

To Download Vector and PNG files

Important Notice:
We are excited to announce that the fashion sketches and templates downloads section will now be hosted on our partner website, This move is aimed at providing you with an enhanced and seamless experience in accessing our exclusive fashion resources.

“Thank you! Great service!”
Wilma (Zurich, Switzerland)

Please Contribute

“i love your sketches :D”
Maha (Canberra, Australia)